Elite results for ordinary people


What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning programme. It incorporates elements of gymnastics, weightlifting, powerlifting, rowing, bodyweight movements, and much more. This is usually performed under high intensity. CrossFit will improve the 10 components of 'Fitness'

Is CrossFit a sport?

For some yes, for others no. CrossFit as a sport is a different beast to CrossFit, the strength & conditioning programme. They both have a lot of Crossovers, but also have their differences.
If you want to compete, great. We have lots of athletes who are competing regularly. Just want to supplement your lifestyle and improve your health & fitness? That’s cool, that’s where the majority of our members sit.

Do I have to be really fit to start CrossFit?

Absolutely not. One of the great things about CrossFit is its scalability, meaning every workout can be modified and adapted to each individual regardless of their fitness levels. Our goal is to get you fit, faster than you would on your own. We will provide you with the correct intensities to keep you safe, and be successful in every class. Anyone can do this. We promise.

Why CrossFit over a standard gym?

Most commercial gyms are looking for you to sign up and never come in, it’s a numbers game for them. We believe in earning your loyalty. We will earn your business every day. If you haven’t been in for a week, we notice. Expect an email or call.
There will always be a coach to supervise you, not left alone to your own devices once your gym tour is done. Of course if you wish to be left alone, that’s cool too.
Plus you can drop your weights here, you can never be too noisy.

Why choose Fort Ashton?

As well as being one of the most competitively priced CrossFit gyms in Bristol, we believe we offer the best facilities too. From equipment, to space, to showers. Fort Ashton has it all. Don’t believe us? Pop in to take a look.
More than any of that, we pride ourselves on our culture. The gym is filled with likeminded people with the same passion. Fitness.
From BBQs in the summer, to Christmas parties, to in-house competitions. Fort Ashton is more than just a gym!
Not sold yet? Our coaches are some of the most qualified and experienced around. From Masters degrees, to weightlifting qualifications, gymnastics certifications, and much more! (They’re a friendly bunch too)

What We Offer

At CrossFit Fort Ashton we pride ourselves in offering a great range of fully coached functional fitness classes ranging from the daily WOD to speciality Olympic Lifting classes. 

In addition to these classes, we have open gym sessions running all day in our air-conditioned facility and the option to train outside in the fresh air as well, under our marquee.

Plus our coaching team are available to book for 1:1 coaching sessions and individually tailored programming.

Every member of our community has full access to a great range of state-of-the-art fitness equipment with racks of free weights and plenty of cardio and gymnastic equipment to keep your workouts varied and help you reach your fitness goals.

Where to find us

CrossFit Fort Ashton
Unit A.
Baynton road.

Tel: 0117 2872022
Map: Google Maps

I’m a visiting CrossFitter, can I drop in?

Absolutely. We love having people visit. To book a drop in session please email memberships@crossfitfortashton.com or give us a call

What is fundamentals?

Our Fundamentals classes are beginners classes, designed to teach you the core elements of CrossFit from the most basic level. You will not only learn how but why we do things. Performed either in a group setting or one-to-one, these are a pre-requisite in the majority of CrossFit gyms globally.

I have an existing injury, can I still take part?

Yes. We can adapt exercises and workouts to still keep you progressing despite an injury holding you back in certain areas.

What body composition benefits can I expect from training CrossFit

Following a functional fitness CrossFit programme can help you achieve Increased / toned muscle, decreased body, and better fitting clothes However the results you see will depend largely on your own dedication to training and your nutrition. 

How often should I train?

This depends. Things such as training history, schedule and age all play a factor.
We recommend listening to your body. If you feel good, come and train. Sore? Bit beat up? Take a rest day. Rest is just as important as training. A 3 days on, 1 day off approach can work well, as can a 5 days on, 2 days off. There’s no right or wrong.

What does all the terminology mean?

CrossFit uses a lot of acronyms and unfamiliar terminology. Here’s a guide
AMRAP = As many rounds/reps as possible
WOD = Workout of the day
RX = As prescribed by the coaches (usually referring to a weight)
HSPU = Handstand push up
T2B = Toes to bar
C&J = Clean and jerk
KB = Kettlebell
DB = Dumbbell
The box = The gym
Met-Con = Metabolic conditioning
OHS = Overhead squat
PB = Personal best
TGU = Turkish get up
Open Gym = An area of the gym for you to gome in and do your own thing independent of classes

Are there shower facilities?

Yes, we have both toilet & shower facilities